Bad Batch Shuttle Revealed
The biggest story this week is that LEGO has officially revealed the Bad Batch Attack Shuttle set, which will retail for €99.99 with 5 minifigures and a GONK droid.
The set was leaked for a while now, and has stirred controversy because of its sand blue colour scheme and apparently lackluster minifigures.
After watching the first two episodes of the show, I think the colour scheme is appropriate for the shuttle. I wish they used the pieces for one of the speeders to make the central fin studded on both sides though. LEGO aren’t hiding the anti-stud sides in these pictures, at least.
I think people had much too high expectations for these minifigures (probably because of the incredible custom versions that have been around for months). I think the level of detail is on par if not above average for Star Wars minifigures nowadays, but I do wish they didn’t make Techs helmet so large.
LEGO Ideas Review Stage
An incredible 57 sets have qualified for the next review stage at LEGO Ideas. Surely changes are needed to accommodate the number of sets achieving support, as this is getting ridiculous.
Of these 57 sets, we yet again see an influx of ‘The Office’, Space-related, and Medieval-castle-related submissions. I don’t know how many times The Office can be rejected before LEGO caves and makes a set just to silence the demand. Similarly, I’m surprised LEGO haven’t just made a dedicated Space and Medieval theme already because the demand is clearly there.
There’s also a few Modular Building-related submissions, including the usual building-designs and some ‘accessory pack’ type stuff. As much as I’d love for these to be made into sets, LEGO have never made an Ideas set out of a ‘pre-existing theme’-d set and I doubt they will now.
Out of all the sets in the review stage, I think the sets with the highest chances of being made into an official set would definitely be “Train Bookends” by Jimmi-DK, “LEGO Bookends” by farmfarm, “Marine Life” by Brick Dangerous, and “Snow White and The Seven Dwarfs” by Hanwasyellowfirst.
The sets I would like to be made into official sets would be “Welcome to the Black Parade” by VNMBricks, and “A Map of Middle-Earth” by Artem Biziaev.
F.R.I.E.N.D.S Second Set Teased
On the 7th May, LEGO tweeted a picture of the upcoming F.R.I.E.N.D.S set, under the caption “The one with…”.
The set is a sequel to the immensely popular LEGO Ideas Central Perk set released in 2019, and is heavily rumoured to contain both Joey/Chandler’s apartment, a connecting hallway, and Monica’s apartment. The retail price is unconfirmed but is assumed to be €149.99.
Stranger Things Set Teased
Similar to the F.R.I.E.N.D.S set, LEGO also teased on twitter a potential sequel to the Stranger Things “The Upside Down” set released in 2019.
The tweet is a LEGO-ified version of a shot from the Stranger Things Season 4 trailer, under the caption “Something strange is happening…” . Nothing else is known about this set, as far as I know.
LEGO Ideas
5 new submissions have achieved 10,000 supporters on LEGO Ideas this week. The projects in question are “A-Frame Cabin” by Norton74, “Movie Set” by Castor-Tony, “Spaceballs” by Bricktory Lap, “Imperial Island Fort” by Brickhammer, and “Lifeguards Shack” by adwind.
Rankings Update
A small change in the rankings this week. After building the two new Helmet Collection sets, I appreciated the whole subtheme as a whole, so the trio got a bump up the ranks. Full changes below.
Clone Turbo Tank [+3] => 8
TIE Fighter Helmet [+3] => 9
Stormtrooper Helmet [+3] => 10
Boba Fett Helmet [+3] => 11
Razor Crest [-4] => 12
The Child [-4] => 13
Jedi Starfighter with Hyperdrive [-4] => 14
Clone Turbo Tank [+5] => 22
TIE Fighter Helmet [+6] => 23
Stormtrooper Helmet [+6] => 24
Boba Fett Helmet [+6] => 25
The Razor Crest [-3] => 26
The Child [-3] => 27
Jedi Starfighter with Hyperdrive [-3] => 28
Aston Martin DB5 [-5] => 30
Police Station [-4] => 31
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